Tree identification by examining images of seeds and fruits. Identifying trees that commonly grow in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region.
Click on images of Samaras, Seed Pods, Fruits, Berries, Cones and Nuts to enlarge. See: Conifers
- Apples
- Apple, Crabapple
- Aspen ~ Seeds
- Buckeye, Ohio ~ Fruit
- Catalpa, Western ~ Pods
- Cottonwood, Plains ~ Seeds
- Elm, Siberian – Samaras
- Goldenraintree ~ Seeds
- Hawthorn ~ Fruit
- Kentucky Coffeetree ~ Pods
- Coffeetree, Kentucky ~ Seed
- Linden, American ~ seeds
- Locust, Honey ~ Seed Pods
- Locust, Black ~ Seed Pods
- Maple, Boxelder ~ Samaras
- Maple, Silver ~ Samaras
- Mountain-ash, European ~ Fruit
- Mulberry ~ Edible Berries
- Oak, Swamp White ~ Acorn
- Peach Tree ~ Fruit
- Pear, Callery ~ Fruit
- Pear, Bartlett ~ Fruit
- Poplar, Bolleana ~ Seeds
- Sycamore, American ~ Fruit
- Sumac, Staghorn ~ Fruit
- Tree of Heaven ~ Seed Pods
- Walnut, Black ~ Fruit
- Douglas Fir
- Pine, Bristlecone
- Pine, Bristlecone
- Pine, Pinyon
- Pine, Scotch
- Spruce, Colorado Blue – Cone