Botanical name: Quercus bicolor
Family: fagaceae
Group: white oak
Click on images of Swamp White Oak to enlarge.
- native to U.S.
- deciduous
- reaches a height 55′-75′
- round, open crown 50′-65′ in width
- broad, flat, simple leaf with 5-7 shallow lobes
- moderate to rapid growth rate
- lives to be 325-350 years of age
- makes a good shade tree
- monoecious (male and female flowers on the same tree)
- catkins appear in may and june
- produces quality acorn crops every 3-5 years
- edible acorns are eaten by many animals and make up a large portion of the diet for wild ducks
- often sold as white oak it’s hardwood has commercial value
- susceptible to oak wilt fungus
- very adaptable and transplants well
- moist soils found in the low lands, near rivers and lakes
- prefers moist poorly drained soil and is also drought tolerant
- acidic pH
- full to partial sun
- zones 3-8
- swamp white oak acorn and leaves
- swamp white oak acorn and stem
- Oak, Swamp White ~ Acorn
- Oak, Swamp White ~ Bark
- swamp white oak branch
- Oak, Swamp White ~ Leaf
- swamp white oak leaf