Botanical name: Koelreuteria paniculata
Family: Sapindaceae
Click on images of Goldenraintree to enlarge.
A.K.A. golden rain tree, golden rain tree, china tree, varnish tree, pride of India
- deciduous
- reaches a height of 35′-45′
- round crown 20′-25’in width
- moderate to rapid growth rate
- compound, pinnate,leaves with alternate leaf arrangement
- leaflets that are so deeply serrated (toothed) they appear lobed
- yellow flowers have four petals that grow in terminal compound racemes
- fruits are dark brown to black, berry-like seeds that grow in three-sided inflated, hollow, bladder-like seed pod
- is on invasive species list in parts of the U.S.
- Adaptable to acidic 4.5 pH and alkaline 8.0 pH soils
- adaptable to various soil conditions
- full sun
- zones 5-9
- Goldenraintree
- Goldenraintree ~ Leaf
- Goldenraintree ~ Bark
- Goldenraintree ~ Flowers
- Goldenraintree ~ Leaflet
- Goldenraintree ~ Seeds
- Goldenraintree ~ Stems
- Goldenraintree ~ Leaf
- Goldenraintree ~ Flowers